Sunday, October 5, 2014

Paper Clay Activity

One time, my mother's finding something and suddenly she found the paper clay. Unfortunately, we can't do it because the paper clay was already dry. When my aunt is with my mother in Market Market, my mom remembered that the paper clay is already dry.

We are already trying to do the first paper clay activity. It was fun because not only me was the one who tried to do it but almost all of the family. We finished it first before we proceeded to another paper clay activity.

First Paper Clay Activity

When we finished the first paper clay activity, we already proceeded to another paper clay activity. In this paper clay activity, we didn't buy it, we just bought illustration board and wrote something in it with a marker. Then we started to put paper clay on it.

Second Paper Clay Activity

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Nothing To Do So...

One night, we are from our grandfather's house. When we arrived home, my sister and I decided to make posters but my sister doesn't know yet on how to make posters. With that, I tried to teach my sister.

These are the posters we did.

This is what I made

And this is what my sister did

Friday, April 18, 2014

Cabinet Made Of Shoebox

Last week, we saw in YouTube that there is a tutorial on how to make a cabinet out of shoebox. We took two hours to finish it. Now, this is the end product, the cabinet made up of shoebox.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Trying to Make Posters

One night, my mother shared with me a website that teaches how to do posters, Facebook pages and many more. I tried making posters for a new experience. Here are two of my creations. I will be making more some other time.

I  can do all things through Christ who strengthens me - Philippians 4:13

Done is better than perfect.