Sunday, December 27, 2020

DIY Goddess Headdress and Costume - Goddess of Unity

During the 1st week of December, a Performance Task was assigned to us in Filipino. Our main task is to make a recycled goddess headdress and costume. We also need to take a photoshoot together with the recycled headdress and costume. 

As we all know, we are currently facing a situation, a pandemic which caused a lot of things to happen. We are all staying at home, had the option of doing online learning, came up with health protocols like social distancing and wearing masks, and a lot more. With that being said, we needed to think of this question, "If you become a god or goddess, who are you going to be and why? Except for the power to heal people infected with COVID-19."

Upon pondering this question, I thought of being the Goddess of Unity during the pandemic. I named myself as Goddess Isa (Diyosa Isa). I chose this because in this kind of situation, people should be united. In addition, when this pandemic began, many Filipinos worked together by distributing relief goods as a help. Hospitals also needed PPE. Having unity is important for a country to prosper. Unity helps a lot especially during disasters and pandemics like what is happening to us today. A nation can rise if everyone has cooperation and unity. 

Regarding the headdress, the symbol I put is a couple or a family that is being united. The leaves above it show that the family should reach out to others and develop unity. 

In making the headdress, I used the following:
  • headband
  • wire to support and stick the headdress
  • used illustration board
  • biscuit wrapper
  • flat tops wrapper
  • handmade recycled paper (steps here)
  • paint
  • tape
  • scissors
  • stapler
Here are the steps on how to make the DIY Goddess of Unity headdress:
    1. Get and prepare a headband. The headband I used is the one I used in my previous school project. Use some wire to support the headdress you will be putting in the headband, like the one below. 

    2. Next is to make the symbol. I carved the symbol in a used illustration board to make it hard for it to stand. 

    3. The third step is to cover the carved illustration board with used biscuit wrappers. 

    4. After covering it with biscuit wrappers, I got some handmade paper. I got them painted green because of the tree in the headdress symbol. After drying them, I put them together to have a big base to paste the symbol.

    5. The next step is to cut the handmade paper into a shape that you like. Also, cut the paper that fits the headband.

    6. Tape or glue the carved symbol to the handmade paper. Then, tape the handmade paper to the headband.

    7. After doing everything, I attached the flat tops wrapper at the edge of the headdress using a stapler. The flat tops wrapper was made into a leaf or flower-like by folding and twisting it. 

This is the DIY Headdress

For my costume, I simply looked for a white dress and a green scarf to be tied in my waist. After finishing everything I need, I immediately started the photoshoot wearing my DIY Goddess Headdress and Costume.

Indeed, unity is needed in times like this to pass through this problem we are facing. Unity strengthens and builds a great nation. It also provides peace and order to a country or nation. I hope each and everyone will try to unite with one another to overcome or pass through this pandemic.

Monday, February 5, 2018

A Festival Paper Doll

I was so busy since I started high school. I had a lot of home works, projects, and many other activities. I will be posting one of our projects in MAPEH. We made a festival paper doll. I am proud of what I did.

In making this project, I used the following:
-illustration board
-art papers/colored papers (red, yellow, purple, orange and yellow)
-yarn (for the necklace)
-straw (cut into small pieces)
-a small cloth
-glittery foam 

It's not that hard to this activity. It was fun doing it. The festival I did was Panagbenga Festival. I chose this festival because it looks beautiful and colorful. Below, is my project.

This is done but I added more designs.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Fun Having Cross Stitch

       I started trying to do cross stitch when my mom showed me some of her finished work. I got interested with it. So I asked her if I can try doing some. It's fun to work with it. It took a long time finishing it. I was working with two cross stitches. The first one is a bit hard. The other one, I'm done with it. It is just so simple.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

How Paper is Recycled

   Paper is a thin material produced by pressing together moist fibers, typically cellulose pulp derived from wood, rags or grasses, and drying them into flexible sheets.
Paper is a versatile material with many uses. Whilst the most common is for writing and printing upon, it is also widely used as a packaging material, in many cleaning products, in a number of industrial and construction processes, and even as a food ingredient – particularly in Asian cultures.
Paper, and the pulp papermaking process, was said to be developed in China during the early 2nd century AD, possibly as early as the year 105 A.D.,[1] by the Han court eunuch Cai Lun, although the earliest archaeological fragments of paper derive from the 2nd century BC in China.[2]
      It is Christmas and my parents are looking for a gift. The gift is a paper recycling kit. She saw this gift in Amazon. When we opened it, I was happy because I love to make these things.


Saturday, February 14, 2015

Faber Castell Visited Our School

      Last week, when we were in school, I saw some people fixing some things in the court. They were from Faber Castell. Our teacher said that we need to get one old pencil and they are going to exchange it with a new pencil. We did some activities. First, we watched some videos on how they make pencil, pen, eraser and many more. They also showed us the things we can do with the connector pens.

Connector pens can be connected -- just for fun.

      They taught us drawing techniques like pointillism, contouring, and patterning. They asked us to draw pictures using the techniques and they picked some drawings and they gave some prize.

       They told us to trace our hand and we are going to put some designs. After this they told us to trace our shoes and put again some designs. They call this as ''shoe fish''. In these drawings, we used the connector pens. In the first drawing, the trace of hands, I was chosen and I was given a pencil and a pen. In the shoe fish, I was chosen again and I was given again a pencil and a pen. I was happy. It was fun. I will show you my artwork.

       The connector pens are beautiful pens. The pencil was also beautiful because it is not easily broken. The pen was also beautiful because the ink was not easily finished. I always use the Faber Castell pen and pencil. My pen, pencil, and eraser are all Faber Castell. This type of brand is good. 

My ballpen,pencil, and eraser
My pencil, ballpen and eraser

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Paper Clay Activity

One time, my mother's finding something and suddenly she found the paper clay. Unfortunately, we can't do it because the paper clay was already dry. When my aunt is with my mother in Market Market, my mom remembered that the paper clay is already dry.

We are already trying to do the first paper clay activity. It was fun because not only me was the one who tried to do it but almost all of the family. We finished it first before we proceeded to another paper clay activity.

First Paper Clay Activity

When we finished the first paper clay activity, we already proceeded to another paper clay activity. In this paper clay activity, we didn't buy it, we just bought illustration board and wrote something in it with a marker. Then we started to put paper clay on it.

Second Paper Clay Activity

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Nothing To Do So...

One night, we are from our grandfather's house. When we arrived home, my sister and I decided to make posters but my sister doesn't know yet on how to make posters. With that, I tried to teach my sister.

These are the posters we did.

This is what I made

And this is what my sister did